

Is the abbreviation for development cooperation. Vienna supports NGOs (non-governmental organisations) in the implementation of development projects in Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe ( execution by the Municipal Department for European Affairs - MA 27).
Once a year, MA 27 (Municipal Department for European Affairs) invites NGOs to submit funding applications for development projects in the form of a "call" (call for project submission). For each year, a priority theme is announced following one of the United Nations' World Development Goals.
EU Funding
The European Union develops and pursues policies to strengthen its economic, social and territorial cohesion for all member states. Themes, objectives and budgets are set for each 7-year EU budget and funding period and these are implemented through EU funding programmes. The budgets are made available through the European Structural and Investment Funds. These funds are used to support investments, particularly in the regions and cities of the EU, in the form of EU-funded projects on a pro rata basis. Within the scope of the European Structural and Investment Funds, funding is available to Vienna for innovative projects that support the themes and objectives set by the EU and meet specific framework conditions.
Funding Area
On this website, funding areas refer to groups of funding themes to which the funding projects are assigned. The EU's funding policy overlaps thematically with the policy areas of the Vienna City Administration and those of the federal government. For this reason, the project/funding themes have been aligned with the business group structure of the City of Vienna.
Funding Programme
The various European Structural and Investment Funds finance various so-called funding programmes. In the individual funding programmes, the framework conditions for the application, allocation of funding and implementation of funded projects are defined (such as funding purpose, funding requirements, funding conditions, reporting, etc.). For Vienna, urban and some international funding programmes are relevant, in the implementation of which the City of Vienna is involved.
National Co-Financing
EU funding usually covers only part of the planned project expenditure. The remaining project funds have to be supplemented by funds from funding agencies (City of Vienna, Federal Government) and/or the project partner's own funds.

Project Search

It is possible to use a variety of operators to perform extended search queries. Unless using operators that deactivate it, fuzzy search is applied. That means that the searched words do not necessarily have an exact match in the search result. These operators are listed in the table below.

  • OperatorPlus
    BehaviourThe project must exactly contain the word "Water". Fuzzy search is deactivated for this word.
  • OperatorPlus und Space
    Example+Water +Hygiene
    BehaviourThe project must exactly contain the words "Water" and "Hygiene" but there can be any text in between them. Fuzzy search is deactivated for this text.
  • OperatorQuotation marks
    Example"Water Hygiene"
    BehaviourThe project must exactly contain the text "Water Hygiene" without any text in between. Fuzzy search is deactivated for this text.
  • OperatorHyphen
    BehaviourThe project mustn't contain the word "Water". Fuzzy search is deactivated for this word.
  • OperatorSpace
    ExampleWater Hygiene
    BehaviourThe project must fuzzily contain "Water", and the project must fuzzily contain "Hygiene". This is the default search behaviour.
  • OperatorAND
    ExampleWater AND Hygiene
    BehaviourThe project must fuzzily contain "Water", and the project must fuzzily contain "Hygiene". The AND operator behaves like a space character.
  • OperatorOR
    ExampleWater OR Hygiene
    BehaviourThe project must fuzzily contain either "Water" or "Hygiene".
  • OperatorNOT
    ExampleNOT Water
    BehaviourThe project mustn't contain the word "Water". Fuzzy search is deactivated for this word. The NOT operator behaves like a hyphen.